Jizhou (Colin) Tang




instagram: @ctphotography77

Hi there. This is my personal website. I’m currently a Junior at College of William & Mary pursuing B.S. in Computer Science. I’m orginally from Shenzhen, China, which is a city just right next to Hong Kong (everyone knows Hong Kong huh), and curretly living in Williamsburg, Virginia.

As a Computer Science student, I am self-motivated and goal-oriented. I’m currently working on two on-campus research with Professor. Yuan Yuting from the Department of Data Science. Too see the research project, click Publications.

In my spare time, I’m a photographer and video creator. This website serves to show my academic & career & photography progress and works.

For Photography Works: See Photography or my Instagram Page

Here is my Resume [pdf][docx] for academics and works.

Fun fact of me: I share the same last name with my mom.

I withdrew from William & Mary in 2020 due to the Covid-19 and attended The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHKSZ). During the 2-year study at CUHKSZ, I continued studying Computer Science, explored other opportunities such as being a video creator, photographer, and peer mental counselor. Those were valuable experiences to me.

I came back to William & Mary in 2022 and planned to graduate in 2025.