
Shots of my frequent go-to McDonald's at home

2023 –

First self-assigned project inspired by @willemverb

The basic idea comes from the first photo, which is the Mcdonald’s in my neighborhood and it has been open since my childhood. It always was the place that every kid in my neighborhood would like to hold his birthday party at and there were so many great memories there…

The Mcdonald's in my neighborhood. The playground in front of it is the kids' favorite hang-out place.

The layouts and decorations of McDonald’s have changed so much since it decided to rebrand and redesign the style. I remembered the style inside was like, warm natural light, warm yellow floor and fixed white round chairs. However for now, every McDonald’s I visited became new dark gold style. I could barely find any old-style McDonald’s photos and it’s such a pity because I think it’s a common memory for so many people in my generation.

The McDonald's near my middle school. We always hanged out there after school.

And that’s the idea of this set of photos. These McDonald’s are basically the one I’ve visited most in recent years. Each generation may have their own memory of McDonald’s. Maybe after ten years, McDonald’s will decide to redesign its decoration style again, and these photos will be a memory for kids now and me as well.

The McDonald's at HuaQiangBei, Futian District, Shenzhen, China. It is one of the most renowned electronic markets globally. Many of your purchase of small electronic products may possibly be made in here. It's also very close to my home. I used to go to gym near here. Everytime I finished my work out, I would come here to have a Big Mac.
The McDonald's at QiDiXieXin, a neighborhood not far from CUHKSZ. I lived here for 1 year. But this McDonald's wasn't open until I moved out.
ZhuoYue Center at GangXia North. My friends and I used to play board games here and we always visited this McDonald's.